Teas, Syrups & Cordials

The versatility of wild foraged plants, flowers and berries means they can be used to create a broad range of hot and cold beverages as well as sweet syrups. This section contains instructions for creating Basic herbal teas using fresh and dried finds, as well as some specific recipes for specialty teas, such as fermented Russian Koporye. It also details how to turn various plants and berries into sticky, sugary syrups, which can be used as cordials to make refreshing summer drinks, or poured directly onto puddings and desserts for added flavour. If you're feeling adventurous, you can use both the Basic Syrup and Tea Making Methods to experiement with your foraged finds and design your own wild creations. Although not necessary for all the recipes, an electric dehydrator will come in very handy in this section, particularly for creating dried herbal teas.

The Recipes