Sneezewort, Achillea ptarmica


This pretty wildflower can be found along waterways or damp meadows. It is a species of herbaceous perennial flowering plant in the daisy family, and it's common names include sneezewort, sneezeweed, European pellitory, fair-maid-of-France, goose tongue or sneezewort yarrow. It is widespread across most of Europe. It's leaves have a herb-like, peppery taste that produce a numbing / tingling effect in the mouth. For this reason, they were traditionally used as a cure for toothache, used as a culinary herb, or added raw to salads. The flowers also make a pretty garnish. The plant can also be dried to make sneezing powder!

Sneezewort Checklist


🌊 Waterways, including rivers, lakes and streams.
🐑 Grassland, including damp paddocks, fields and meadows.


🌞🍂 Aug - Sep


☘️ Small, thin, lance-shaped leaves. Dark green with finely toothed margins.


🌷 Small and round, with a pincushion centre surrounded by numerous grey-white, oval petals. Looks a little like Yarrow flowers. Blooming from June to August.


🌱 Dark green, branching, slightly hairy.

Aroma / Taste

👃 Floral Aroma
👅 Leaves have a peppery taste and have a slight numbing/tingling effect on the mouth.

ID Notes

🟩 ID Difficulty - Beginner
👀 The small, grey-white, yarrow-esque flowers are a key identifier of this plant.


🥗 Salad - Leaves can be eaten raw and added to salads.
🌺 Garnish - Flowers can be used as a garnish.
🌿 Herb - Leaves can used to add flavour or as a pot-herb.
💊 Herbal Remedy - Leaves and flowers are often used medicinally.

Edible Parts

☘️ Leaves
🌷 Flowers