The Larch Bolete, Suillus Grevillei


The Larch Bolete is a widespread mushroom commonly found, as the name suggests, fruiting under larch trees. It is bright yellow when young, darkening to burnt orange with cinnamon brown hints in older specimens, and is covered with a layer of protective slime, which makes it look wet, even in dry weather. Although edible, this is not one of the more choice boletes, which is a shame because it is relatively easy to identify and is quite abundant in the UK. The slimy skin on the cap and spongy tube layer are usually removed and only the firm cap flesh is eaten, although the flavour does improve if dried first, then re-hydrated with water before use. Best used for soups and stews.

Larch Bolete Checklist


🌳 Deciduous or Mixed Woodland.
🌲 Coniferous Woodland.
🔗 Found in Association with with Larch trees.

Fruiting Season

🌞🍂❄️ Between July and November

Growth Habit

📈 Grows singly or in small groups, always benath Larch trees.


🍄 Up to 15cm across. Bright yellow, darkening to orange in older specimens. Starts convex but flattens later. The cap is slimy and looks shiny even in dry weather.


⚛️ No gills. Spongy yellow spore tubes that bruise a rust colour.


♊️ Smooth yellow stem above the skirt, brown scales below.


🟡🟠 The flesh is yellow-orange.

Edible Parts

🍄 Cap with sticky membrane and pores removed.

Aroma / Taste

👃 Very mild, sweet mushroom smell.
👅 Mild mushroom taste.

ID Notes

🟩 ID Difficulty - Beginner
👀 The slimy-looking, bright yellow cap of younger specimens is a key identifier of this mushroom.
🤚 The slimy, slightly sticky cap is a key identifier of this mushroom.

⛔️ The spongy yellow tubes and the thin layer of slime covering the cap can cause gastric upsets in some people so they are best removed. This mushroom must always be cooked before eating.