Elderflower Vinegar

This super-quick vinegar recipe makes a great dressing for summer salads or can used to add an extra depth of flavour to pasta sauces, ragus, stews, and other dishes. Alternatively, if you fancy adding some of the light, floral notes of Elderflower to your homemade foraged pickles, you can substitute this vinegar for the standard variety in a pickling brine. As the flavour of Elderflower is delicately fragrant, it's recommended to use a milder vinegar, such as white wine, or even better, a posh chardonnay vinegar to really capture the flavour.


Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Cooking Time: None

Quantity: Makes a 350ml bottle of vinegar

  • 350ml of White Wine or Chardonnay Vinegar.
  • One or two small florets of foraged Elderflower.


  1. Take a sterilised jam jar and place your foraged elderflower florets inside.
  2. Fill the jar with your chosen vinegar, and seal.
  3. Gently shake the jar once per day.
  4. After two weeks, the vinegar should have fully infused.
  5. Strain the vinegar into a jug through a sieve or muslin cloth to remove all traces of the flowers.
  6. Decant the infused vinegar into a new sterilised bottle and seal.
  7. You can store the vinegar on a shelf for up to twelve months.