The Chanterelle, Cantharellus cibarius


The Golden Chanterelle, also called the Girole or Pfiferling, is an extremely tasty mushroom that is native to Europe, and found in both coniferous and deciduous woodlands between July and December. Chanterelles are relatively easy to identify in the wild, and are most commonly found in small troops or rings in the moss under Beech trees in England, and Birch trees in Scotland. They can also sometimes be found growing beneath conifers. The body is 3–10 cm wide and 5–10 cm tall and is yellow or dark yellow. They have forked folds rather than gills, which run partway down the stem, and white flesh with a faint aroma of apricots. Considered a choice culinary mushroom, they taste sweet and peppery and are great in a range of recipes such as soups, stews and omelettes, or cooked on their own on toast. These are Arthur's favourite mushroom (and mine!), and are simply delicious. If you come across some, be sure to add them to your foraging basket!

Chanterelle Checklist


🌳 Deciduous Woodland.
🌲 Coniferous Woodland.
🔗 Most commonly found in association Beech, Birch or Pine.

Fruiting Season

🍂❄️ Between July and December

Growth Habit

📈 Grows singly, in small clusters, and sometimes rings.


🍄 Yellow, irregular, 3-5 cm wide


⚛️ Forked folds, rather than gills, running part-way down the stem.


♊️ Yellow, 5-10 cm


⚪️ White, meaty

Aroma / Taste

👃 Smells sweet, fruity and faintly of apricots.
👅 Apricot notes with a peppery aftertaste.
😋 A delicious, choice edible mushroom.

ID Notes

🟨 ID Difficulty - Novice
👀 The yellow colour, forked folds and white flesh are key identifiers of this mushroom.
👃 The apricot aroma is key identifier of this mushroom.

⛔️ This mushroom could be confused with the False Chanterelle and Jack-O-Lantern.

☠️ The False Chanterelle is a funnel-shaped mushroom commonly found in coniferous forests and has a yellow-orange cap and stem, similar to a chanterelle. The flesh of the Fasle Chanterelle is yellow or orange, rather than white and it also has true gills (knife-shaped), rather than forked folds. It also lacks the sweet apricot smell of the chanterelle.

☠️ The Jack-O-Lantern is an orange mushroom with true gills that grows on decidious wood, unlike the chanterelle, which grows from the ground. It also lacks the sweet apricot smell of the chanterelle. The Jack-O-Lantern is a very rare mushroom in the UK, so confusion with the chanterelle is highly unlikely.

✅ Always be sure to check that the gills are forked folds that run down the stem. If they are true gills, rather than folds, it is likely a False Chanterelle, or more rarely, a Jack-O-Lantern.

✅ Always be sure to cut them in half and inspect the flesh - it should be white inside. If the flesh is yellow or orange, it is likely a False Chanterelle, and should be avoided.


🍄 Fungi - Used in mushroom recipes