German Chamomile, Matricaria chamomilla


Chamomile is the name given to a number of daisy-like flowering plants in Asteraceae family. German Chamomile is native to southern and eastern Europe, but can be found all over the world. It has a tall, thin and smooth stem, with branched narrow leaves which are reminiscent of those of fennel. The white and yellow flowers resemble large daisies, with multiple white petals surrounding a deep yellow-scaled centre. The flowers bloom throughout the summer months, and have a strong, aromatic smell. Chamomile is most commonly used to make tea, which soothes intestinal discomfort. Chamomile tea is one of Arthur's favourites before bed.

Chamomile Checklist


🐑 Grassland, including paddocks, fields and meadows.
🌊 Waterways, including rivers, streams and beaches.
🏡 Urban Green Spaces, including scrubland, parks and gardens.
🚜 Hedgerows, including field edges.


🌞 June - August


☘️ Thin, green and feathered, resembling fennel leaves.


🌷 Large and daisy-like. Multiple white petals surrounding a scaled yellow centre.


🌱 Thin and smooth, 15-60cm long.

Fruit / Seeds

🍏 The flower heads of German Chamomile become dry and brittle, and contain tiny brown eliptical seeds. Some people collect them to grow at home.

Edible Parts

☘️ Leaves
🌷 Flowers

Aroma / Taste

👃 Chamomile has a distinct aromatic aroma that is sweet, vaguely reminiscent of pineapple.
👅 When brewed, the resulting tea has gentle notes of apple and a mellow, honey-like sweetness.

ID Notes

🟩 ID Difficulty: Beginner
👀 The daisy-like flower heads and thin feathery leaves are key identifiers of this plant.
👃 It's aroma is a key identifyer.


🌺 Garnish - the heads are edible and can be used as a salad garnish.
☕️ Beverage - can be used fresh or dried and steeped in water to make a popular tea.
💊 Herbal Remedy - Is sometimes used medicinally.