Finds Catalogue Visual Keys

Each find in the catalogue includes a Checklist so you can quickly see the key Features and Characteristics that make it unique, as well as other important ID factors, such as Growing Season, Habitat, Uses, and any important Notes on Identification. The visual keys for these are detailed below, along with their basic descriptions.


🌸 Spring

🌞 Summer

🍂 Autumn

❄️ Winter

Plant Features

☘️ Leaves

🌷 Flowers

🌱 Stem

🍏 Fruit / Seeds

🍓 Berries

🍠 Root

🪓 Bark

Fungi Features

🍄 Cap Shape

⚛️ Gills

♊️ Stem

⚪️🟡🟤🟠🟣 Flesh Colour

🟥🟧🟨🟩🟦 Stain Colour


👃 Scent

👅 Taste

🤚 Texture

😋 Choice Edible


🌳 Found in Deciduous Woodland

🌲 Found in Coniferous Woodland

🐑 Found in Grasslands

🌊 Found along Waterways

🏡 Found in Urban Green Spaces

🏢 Found in Urban Environments

🚜 Found in Hedgerows

🐝 Found in Moorland

💦 Aquatic Plant

🔗 Found in Association with

ID Notes

🟩 ID Difficulty - Beginner

🟨 ID Difficulty - Novice

🟧 ID Difficulty - Intermediate

⛔️ Beware

✅ ID Safety Tip

👀 Use Sight to Identify

👃 Use Smell to Identify

🤚 Use Touch to Identify

☠️ Toxic Lookalike


🥗 Salad - Eaten raw

🌺 Garnish - Used as a garnish

🥬 Green - Cooked as a vegetable

🌿 Herb - Used to add flavour

☕️ Beverage - Used to make drinks

🧉 Condiment - Used to make pickles.

🍨 Sweet - Used for sweets and desserts

🍓 Yummy - A tasty forage snack

🍄 Fungi - Used in mushroom recipes

💊 Herbal Remedy - Often used medicinally